Black Arrow sucks black arrow is designed

  • Leader
    July 31, 2023 2:12 AM EDT
    You do get used to it. I would recommend making WoTLK Gold a one or two week-long watch to monitor Lock as well as load proxy, however. I didn't have one in the beta. That made it simple to forget to Lock or load the procs. Now, this is the reason why my displeasure with the issue of survival. The spec is completely discordant with itself.

    Black Arrow sucks black arrow is designed to be utilized only when you cannot reach the drop and Explosive Trap because it does far less destructive than explosive, specifically with the glyph and any potential AOE that could be there.

    It has a 6% damage buff on it but it's too little to be enough to defeat Explosive Trap. So, you'd like to get into the area and drop traps when cooldown is over instead of black girls. That's cool. Well, except for cheap WoTLK Gold this.