Players are not thrilled about the new system

  • Leader
    November 28, 2022 9:32 PM EST
    World of Warcraft : Shadowland's WOTLK Gold long-awaited patch 9.1. Chains of Domination is scheduled to go live on June 29. and in the event that it does, it will introduce a new system that is already making players cry in rage.

    It's called Shards of Domination. Within 9.1's brand new quest, called the Sanctum of Domination players will be able to acquire new pieces of equipment that come with Domination sockets. They can be then infused by Shards of Domination for powerful passive effects. Players can acquire up to five pieces of gear that have one Domination socket this is definitely the best choice for players because of the power that the power of the shards can be.

    The issue with this latest system is that gear that has Domination sockets may take up one slot in the gear system that is already occupied by a player-created Legendary item. Legendary items, of which players can only possess one at a time can also provide players with powerful, unique effects they cannot afford to lose. In the past seven months players have put in more than a million dollars in dollars and many hours working the expansion's rogue-lite , dungeon Torghast to obtain the Soul Ash material needed to upgrade their Legendaries to their highest item level. The problem is that Blizzard is essentially telling players that they'll have to complete all that work again to recraft the same Legendary in a different item slot, which won't be equipped to equip any piece of equipment with a Domination socket.

    Players are not thrilled about the new system. Many prominent WoW creators have been discussing ideas for ways improvements can be made to the current system including letting players craft their current Legendary in order to restore their Soul Ash, detethering Legendary effects of gear from the item, or simply allowing players to equip Shards of Domination on items of their choice. With the release date of the patch nearing, any changes to the system look unlikely, even before the patch launches, but most players are still looking forward to Blizzard to cheap WOTLK Gold address the issue in some way or in a different way.