It always provides you with the motivation to go back

  • Leader
    October 18, 2022 10:36 PM EDT
    So many people that maybe didn't play in the past few months, return to WOTLK Gold play , check it out and participate in the fun. They're so enthralled about it. And the community is just amazing when it comes to looking out for each other and understanding the fact that things might be a bit harder. Maybe there are bumps and bruises that you won't see in Modern WoW, but that's part of the fun and their appeal.

    "I'm most grateful to the community, the players. We didn't know at the time of WoW Classic how well-liked it would become sincere." -John Hightt. John Hight

    Brian Birmingham: Actually, I had a conversation with a couple of people who were saying that they were courteous in Classic and partly as a kind of retribution for their actions that were not pleasant 15 years ago. Looking for a chance to create the most recent version of relationWarcraft with a better attitude. Yeah, everybody's a little more grown up and more even in their thoughts.

    The reception toward The Burning Crusade was near-unanimous applause. The first expansion you made to WoW, how did it affect you at the time? And what impact did such strong reviews impact your development processes and plans for the future?

    Brian Birmingham: Oh my the goodness. I remember it was such an enormous lift. I was only a young employee back then However, I can remember when going to an evening signing. We used to have midnight signings in which we would go out and sign people's Collectors Editions and regular boxes, as people would be waiting in line at midnight to purchase them. It was thrilling to witness the excitement, and hear the stories from the original creators about lines that surrounded the building and so we actually had them at multiple locations. It was so exciting to see the fans come out and celebrate with us.

    It always provides you with the motivation to go back and push yourself harder than you have been to make everything as good as you possibly can. It's one of the things I like about BlizzCon today is when we get to talk to buy WOTLK Gold our fans and feel their passionfor the game, it's what really fuels us. This is why I am eager until we're able to attend BlizzCon in person once more